Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spring is officially here....

and I missed posting about it by a day. there go the redbud and mountain laurel blossoms. But with the recent rains, there is much green to feast the eyes upon as you see more and more leaves sprigging forth in the treetops. There are snatches of color to be found in the formal planting beds around commercial establishments such as banks and hospitals, but I'm not a real fan of that type of garden. I like general order with some (or a lot) chaos thrown in - a more natural state of existence. That's probably why I love our stands of wildflower here in Texas so much, as did Lady Bird Johnson. If you have some time, visit her legacy to the nation, but most especially to Texans: But for now, the only new blooms spotted have been the sparsely planted yuccas.
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My visit to the garden center last weekend yielded us with a variety of salvias, columbine, plumbago and hibiscus. Some tulips and gladiola have broken the surface, and other seedlings that I have no idea what they are but assure myself everyday they are NOT weeds. The clover patch is brimming with delicate yellow florets and the bees are loving it. Perhaps I'll think on setting up a hive someday.
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Update on the snails: all that appeared have been relocated to the creek that runs through a small park down the street from here. The boys wanted to do the salt trick on them, but I said, "No, Carolyn would not approve." So Layton and his girlfriend spent Sunday doing that for me and had a good time in the process. I will also avail myself of their services this weekend when I rent a tiller of some nature for aerating the heavily thatched lawn. The leaves have been raked, and along with the twigs and mini-branches from the ash, have been recycled into a neighbors compost bin. She says I am welcome anytime to enjoy its 'fruits' for feeding the lawn and mulching the gardens. Her name is Clara and I think that is lovely way to meet one's neighbor, and I believe a nice little friendship could develop across the backyard fence.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Coming Feature: Unpacking long, lost treasures


Darla said...

Hi Jeri Sue. Sounds like spring is beginning to show up around your neighborhood.

Good to have a compost bin handy and yes, a nice way to meet a neighbor.

Thanks for the links to the photo's of your miniatures.


Anonymous said...

All your preparation for planting and getting to know your new neighbor sounds great. Nothing better than the black gold of a compost heap. And it's all like "found money" because it doesn't cost a penny. I'll think of you while I'm out weeding around the iris bed this morning.

Anonymous said...

Morning Jeri Sue. I'm late visiting you here to say "happy spring". You are going to love your plumbago, such a pretty plant, and I have to ask is your blue, or white? I aughed at a little bit of chaos thrown in...Oh my kind of gardening. I;m so not a "soldiers in lines" gardener either which is what I tend to think of some many commercial plantings, but then I am also glad they plant and beauify as best they know how, and its for a no wor-after type of planting so I have to respect that reasoning also. Texas blue bonnets are beautiful. Wonderful that you have a compost pile to use to help fill and to reap the rewards of the balck gold. A back yard, over the fence neighbor friend sounds like a good thing, especially one who likes also to garden. Yeah for that for you too. You're moving right along to claim your new space there by planting and enjoying the process. Does me good to know that...keep posting here as you go...I;ll be thinkning of you today as I work in my garden. Oh and Jeri Sue since I want to get out there this morning to the garden before the day gets away from me (we all know how that happens when we come to sit at a computer) I'll just quickly say here thanks for the beautiful poem and for your kind words at my blog the other day, friend, Happy everything to you this day and always.

Sandy said...

Happy Spring to you!
Beautiful flowers :)